FoF Valorant Tournament - Fade or Foe
Two-day, Diamond 3-under, Valorant Tournament
Event Details
Rank Cap: Diamond 3
Format: see below & rulebook
Registration Closes: March 11th
Match Days: March 18th & 19th
Match Times: 12 (noon) up to 5 PM PST
Valorant, finally…
We’ve talked in the past about running community Valorant Tournaments, but it’s finally here! Friend or Foe will host “Fade or Foe”, a one-weekend Valorant tournament held within the FoFesports community. This tournament will be broadcasted and produced on our Twitch Channel, so make sure to come watch the show on March 18th and 19th! We hope to host more Valorant tournaments on our show in the future. For more updates, make sure to join our discord!
General Tournament Info
Tournament Format
If less than 8 teams: Double Elimination Bracket
Rounds 1-3 on Day 1, Rounds 4-6 on Day 2
If 9+ teams: Single Elimination Bracket
Teams will play up until Semi-finals on Day 1. Day 2 will host Semi-finals and Grand Finals
Match Format
All matches, regardless of Single or Double Elimination, will be Best-of-Three (Bo3) where teams must win 2 matches to move on.
Matches will be played concurrently, meaning not all matches will be live on stream.
First map ban will be determined via coinflip. The team that does not get first map ban will have their choice of side selection.
The map pool will be as follows: Haven, Split, Pearl, Fracture, Lotus, Icebox, Ascent
Bind and Breeze are banned from this tournament
Roster Eligibility
Players may not be ranked higher than Diamond 3 since Episode 5, Act 1.
Players must be in good standing with Valorant and Riot Games in order to participate (i.e. not banned or facing account restrictions).
Teams will be allowed to hold one substitute for the tournament, resulting in six total members for a team.
Event Dates
Time Slots - All matches will take place between 12pm (noon) and 5pm PST.
Match Days - March 18th and 19th (Saturday & Sunday).
Sign-ups - Now open. Will close on March 11th.
For further questions, please contact a Friend or Foe Admin on Discord or the Event Organizer, Raptearer#0125
If you’d like to volunteer to help make Friend or Foe happen, join our discord and let us know!
Good luck to all the teams!