Brendan’s Week 7 Luna Power Rankings
Click for last week’s Power Rankings
“Anddddddd we are back for the last time once again. In this week’s power rankings, I will be giving my thoughts of teams overall performances throughout the season rather than the past week. Since the standings are set in stone there is not much to talk about when it comes to predicting who I think is better or who will finish higher. Although, I will be giving my thoughts on where they will finish in the playoffs and how they shaped up to my predictions from the beginning of power rankings.
To give further delay, I would like to drop my public persona of being a sociopath and give thanks to both Luna and Helios leagues. You all have made my first season of being a tournament organizer a blast! Despite the ups and downs and the many forfeits *sighs* It was a pleasure working with all of you. FoF has been an experience I greatly cherish, bringing me some great friends, and it couldn’t be possible without all of you guys. Thank you so much for your professionalism, memes, jokes, and fantastic personalities, you all made the job fun and it was all worth it. I personally would like to give a special thanks to Kevin for editing when he decides to show up for work. As well as Johnny for assisting me with photoshop and the catbois Josh and Jeff for making me not do both leagues. I cannot forget Gabe and Chris for being dope and helping when they can! Continuing forward, let me put my mask back on real quick *loud noises* Good luck teams! I wish you guys all the best in the playoffs.”
- Brendan (FangOverFang)
8th - SKL [+/-] (-1 from preseason)
On this day, we hang our heads low in the great loss that is Skill Based. This team had so much potential, but sadly, could never reach their heights. SKL felt like that character in anime where they hype up their untap potential and how high they can climb to be the best and then they blue balled all of us by never achieving it. In simpler terms, any character in Naruto basically. Anyone that has read the power rankings knows I am a huge Zishan believer and I think the team comps for SKL were above average when it came to other teams in the league. I know in their loss to TAS in week two, they were ahead the entire game which shook their confidence. Despite the fact they finished last and only won a single game, I have really only positive things to say about this group of people. Continuing, SKL are easily the best last seeded teams we ever had in FoF… because somehow the last seed always FF the entire tournament… aka my team, Beep-Boop.
At the start of my power rankings, I had placed SKL finishing 7th and to compare it to the rest of my life, I was just a couple inches off. :/ This really hurts my ego. I failed my march madness bracket in the first round so... Thanks to them.
7th - FS [+2] (-1 from preseason)
Fraud Squad finished in seventh place at the end of the season. Having a respectable 4-10 record where they lost a heartbreaking match against TAS. Additionally, Fraud Squad overall had performed better than expectations but their weaknesses were glaring. Their CS numbers were always towards the bottom and their marco overall was poor. Quite a few of their builds were questionable and their understanding for teamfights were suspect. Despite that, FS finished above expectations. One of the best things about FoF and competitive league is that it helps to highlight some weaknesses in your game along with areas where you can improve. I expect them to keep striving forward to reach further heights. They had a fantastic first season overall.
At the beginning I had placed FS at eighth overall and finished at seventh, almost making the playoffs. FS performed above what was expected, both from an individual and team standpoint. They had improved throughout the season so big ups to them! Along with their jab against my ego… I am currently 0-2 in predictions. *hits keyboard*
6th - TAS [+1] (-1 from preseason)
Team Asorth, the eagle bois coming in sixth place clinching the final playoff spot from FS. TAS came into this season playing like maniacs and they are going to finish this season playing like maniacs. We all know TAS’s, strengths, their ability to force fights, their confidence, their CS and mechanics. Although, we also all know TAS weaknesses… their over aggression, and their not understanding of jungle pathing, lack of warding, objective control, and their inability to play from behind. I have always said if TAS can put their playstyle together, they will be fantastic and easily one of the most feared teams. The main question is, can they work on their weaknesses and change themselves in time to win their series against COF? Personally, I think not. I do expect them to take a game off COF, going down 3-1. TAS was a Season 2 Finalist. While the odds they take the series are low, don’t completely count them out just yet.
At the start of the season, I had placed TAS finishing fifth overall. Which is now THREE teams in a row that I have been ONE off on their prediction. Once again… proving my futility in predicting, the inability to be one inch too short. I have talked about their playstyle and the weakness that comes with it, and they haven’t deviated from their rock hard game play *caveman noises* So at least I got that right!
5th - SER [+/-] (+1 from preseason)
Oh... Team Serenity, one of the teams that frustrates me the most in FoF. When Serenity is good they can achieve great things, when they are bad… they can be really bad. If I had to compare SER to a celebrity it would be Chris Bro-... Hold on, I am getting a discord call from my good friend Chris Sunga. Alright guys, I have been informed I shouldn’t be comparing teams to known felons. The more you know? Anyways, SER took games off YUBI, and then lost to SKL. Therefore, they are inconsistent to say the least. I know they had to swap out a lot of players which could have contributed to their inconsistency issues. I hope SER can give us at least one more game where they show how good they can be. Although, I think they will take one game off of BBZ, I can’t see them taking the entire series. I expect them to fall 3-1 to BBZ.
In the beginning, I predicted SER to finish sixth overall making this FOUR straight teams I have been one spot off. I talked about the meme 14.99 medium sized pizza and I highlighted Psweezy as a player to watch. Both of which I stand by. Overall, another success story for SER and their sister team TG.
4th - BBZ [+/-] (-2 from preseason)
Oh lord, do I have a lot of things overall to say about Blue Bayou Zoo. For now, let’s get the positives out the way. I honestly think mid laner Red, and adc player Teph and support player Orphic have made great improvements through the season. I think Jafy was a fantastic pickup for a player who needs more respect than he gets. Dakks is still a fantastic jungler towards the top of the league. Now... let’s get into the bad things and since I know they can take it and afterall who really cares what I think right? While Red improved a lot, he's still not where I would like him to be in my own opinion being a bottom five mid laner in the league. I think he is just a far better bot laner than he is mid. Teph had improved a lot since PTP, but both his and Orphics' over-aggression and inconsistency leaves me and other viewers utterly confused. I think Orphic is in the same boat as Red, he is just a way better top laner than support. Dakks seems to have the same issue he’s had throughout his time in FoF. He is good when he’s ahead but when he’s behind he's getting diff’d. Jafy looked great at times, he just needs to refine on his “Jafy” moments of utter randomness and I know he needs to talk way more in comms just based on playing with him. I think BBZ does take their series against SER pretty easily 3-1. I am nervous about their games going forward after that series.
In week 0 I put BBZ 2nd based on the fact that they were relatively a more known quantity than the rest of the teams. I banked on their hard working mentality and experience to pull them through the weirdness of the role swaps. While some of that is true and they’re still a hard working team, they did work through some rough patches. However they didn’t put all the pieces together in time to reach 2nd. Bringing my grand total on the season 0-5.
3rd - COF [+/-] (+/- from preseason)
Church Of Alphonzo the mystery box team. Despite them playing nine games this season I feel like I barely got to see their tricks. COF started playing on-stage on day 6, because of the many Forfeits that plagued them, both by them and against them. But right when we saw them they bursted onto the scene taking down BBZ in a pretty convincing win. Then they dropped two games to YUBI and HBK which is one of the hardest weeks in the season for any team. Then quietly put together a five-game win streak finally losing it on Day 14 against YUBI. Overall, I think COF met expectations, even exceeding them, by finishing 3rd. I expect COF to finish pretty highly in the playoffs. I also predict COF to easily take down TAS with a 3-1, and I think they’re a huge threat to HBK and YUBI.
In Week 0, I was finally a prophet and predicted where a team would finish. I have many to thank but personally I am proud of myself. Yeah, COF too but mostly me. I posed the question: how would the team adapt with losing two star players? I think COF answered that question pretty well, finishing 9-5 and 3rd this season. So with their success I can finally put a win in my column going 1-5.
2nd - HBK [-1] (+2 from preseason)
Team H-block finishes the season at second. I had them as the hottest last ranking and I stand by that. In Week 6 where they took down YUBI and BBZ might have been the most important week for any team in the league. Week 6 is huge for both the standings and more importantly their confidence. Taking down the number one team does numbers for ego. I think HBK at the moment is the most complete team. Every player is playing well and nobody is really a huge weak-spot that needs to be worked on. If they can keep up their confidence, keep up their ability to close out games when ahead, control objectives, and control chokepoints I see really good things for their future.
In week 0 for some asinine reason I had HBK at 4th place in my predictions. I am unaware of what influence I was under but doing so was a grave mistake. This mistake has me boasting a record of 1-6.
1st - YUBI [+1] (+/- from preseason)
The cat bois have had back-to-back seasons of finishing 1st place in the standings. This is an achievement I don’t think has ever been achieved in FOF history. YUBI’s dominance is almost underappreciated. The Cats grip on the league can only be described as a cat playing with mice. I mean, come on. They had their star ADC player hit by a 2007 Ford Fusion and he still finished 1st in KDA. Personally if Yubi can play Jeff with a healed collar bone, then I think they’re easily the best team. If they can't, I think there are legitimate questions that can be asked. So at the moment I have YUBI coming into the playoffs as the second hottest team. Sadly, I expect YUBII to win it all this year which won’t come as a surprise to anyone. I expect Jeff to recover from the assassination attempt on his life by the 2007 Ford Fusion. With them getting back a reassuring presence on the team it should be easy for them to run it back.
In week 0 to nobody's surprise I had YUBI ranked 1st. With their dominance there is not much more to go off of and analyze for me, so I guess thanks for making me go 2-6. But hey 2-5 is where FPX former world champions finished in this year's Worlds. So I’ll take it.
Final Thoughts:
With this being the final rankings in LUNA and 2021, from all of FOF thank you for reading. I wish I could thank all of the teams and players individually but the FOF family is getting bigger by the day. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it, and sharing in your guys fun!