FoF Season 6 Mythic - Change it up
League of Legends 5v5 League Series
Mythic League
Mondays & Tuesdays
Diamond 4 Average
Registration closes = August 13th
Qualifiers = August 22nd - 30th
Season = September 5th - November 14th
All Mythic information from the original S6 Heroic page have been moved here
Please review the Tournament Organizer’s Statement below the Tournament Info
Please review adjustments to the Friend or Foe Rule List
All adjustments are not set in stone for Season 7 and onward
Intro Statement
“Hello Friend or Foe community! Thank you for your patience as we put together this announcement. We know you’re all very eager and excited for this as it decides the commitment you make to the tournament and to one another, which is something we take the utmost pride in ensuring the best possible experience to you all for such a display of dedication. I have some revisions to go over and explain, but I won’t leave you in suspense the whole article. We are excited to announce there will in fact be a Mythic League this season. Please read the rest of our explanation following the tournament info. “
- Theroclease (League of Legends Tournament Organizer)
General Tournament Info
Tournament Format
Despite the system change, none of our tournament format has changed for this season. There may be future adjustments, but for now, let’s not make too many changes at once.
FFS6 includes three total phases: The first involves a Qualifier Round should it be necessary to narrow down the list of applicants to 8 total teams for one League. Like usual, since we don’t know the precise number of teams needed for this season’s Qualifier, the exact format for the Qualifiers will be announced as we arrive closer to the date.
Once the teams have officially been narrowed down, eight teams will play two Best-of-One games a week in a 7-week Double Round Robin stage during the Regular Season. Win/Loss records from this stage determine the seeding for the final Playoff Stage.
Once the Regular Season stage has been completed, the top six teams of the designated league will be seeded into a Single-Elimination Bracket Playoff Stage. Contrasting the Regular Season stage, the Playoff stage consists of Best-of-Five matches. The winner of this Single-Elimination bracket will be crowned as Friend or Foe Champions.
For both the Heroic and Mythic League, the winning teams receive the following rewards for their participation and dedication to our league:
Championship Title
Championship Art Piece
$500 donated to a Charity of your choice
Championship Merch Design
As an organization still looking to grow, we’d like to thank all of our players and supporters for constantly engaging with our community and stream. We’d also like to thank our Twitch Subs, Logitech, ProComps, Academy of Art and Adobe Creative Cloud for making our show and these charity prize pools possible.
Mythic League Information
League Eligibility
The Mythic League will feature the highly requested “Point System” and limit teams to a Diamond 4 Average Roster limit and cannot surpass a total of 65 points. The Mythic League will use a player's last two seasons’ peak rank to determine a point value for roster eligibility. Players are valued based on the Point System detailed in our Rule List.
Event Dates
Time Slots - All matches will take place in a time slot between 4:00 PM PST and 8:00 PM PST.
Match Days - The Season 6 Mythic League will play on Mondays & Tuesdays
Qualifiers - will take place on August 22nd-30th, 2022
Regular Season - will begin on September 5th, 2022
Sign-ups - Now open. Will close on August 13th
Season Calendar
Week 1 Sep 5 & 6
Week 2 Sep 12 & 13
Week 3 Sep 19 & 20
Week 4 Sep 26 & 27
Week 5 Oct 3 & 4
Week 6 Oct 10 & 11
Week 7 Oct 17 & 18
Break Week Oct 24 & 25
Quarterfinals Oct 31 & Nov 1
Semifinals Nov 7 & 8
Grand Finals Nov 14
Organizer’s Statement
Re: Captain’s Draft
The first thing I’d like to address is during the Captains Draft event we used a 25-point system but found it wasn’t encapsulating all of our players and squished the majority of players at the bottom end of the scale while punishing the top side heavily. In the Captains Draft, we attempted to elongate that scale by moving it to 50 points and spreading the points out amongst the bottom side to include our Gold players into the point totals. Overall we felt like this was a step in the right direction. However we also found that the problem of punishing the higher end was still there. We also found most point totals to be very tight with very little wiggle room that didn’t address the issue of potential elo-sitting. It is for these reasons that we are keeping the point scale from the July combine event (50 points), but we will be raising the point cap from 50 points to 65 (shifting from a Plat 1 average league to a Diamond 4 average.)
Re: Adding Points to Players
I’m sure you’re all very curious on how we will be implementing the addition of points. I want to start by saying that it is not set in stone that this will be the system we go with for future seasons of FoF Mythic League. Ultimately, this is a very large project and we ran out of time to get it exactly where we want it. To make it work this season, the T.O.’s are gonna have to ask for a little bit of your trust.
To start, it is very difficult to make a standardization that applies evenly that if a player does x, they will receive y points on this scale. In the end, we decided that while it might make little influence on an individual's ranking (ex. a Gold player receiving 5 points can move them a whole division while a Diamond player might not move to the next rank at all), it will make a large difference to a team’s total points, especially when applied to five players. With that in mind we have arrived at the compromise that a player can check two categories and receive 1 - 3 points added to them per category. This will help players determine if they should expect points added to them and that it will not be more than 6 points at the highest case.
The two categories are:
1. Solo: If a player has a 53% win rate or higher in solo queue.
2. Legacy: Overall past FoF player performance (KDA, Season MVPs, Championships, CS/min, etc…)
T.O.’s will examine a player's account and if the following apply, they will be notified of their perceived point value after signing up. Alternatively, you may reach out to any FoF Organizer on Discord to find out your values ahead of time. We know that those points are subjective, but again, this system is difficult to standardize and we hope to have a better system moving into future seasons.
Here’s an example:
A former FoF champion applied without having received an MVP award, with a 56% win rate in solo queue with 4 out of 5 of their top champions in that rule having well over average KDAs. Staff would add 1 point for the Legacy category and 3 points for the Solo category, totaling 4 points added to this player.
Producer’s Statement & Resources
I apologize for the wait, but I hope that you can all understand how cautious I prefer to be when it comes to changing things up. Friend or Foe only exists thanks to the creativity and cooperation of both the players and those that establish the competitive environment. Personally, I think the concept of a tournament-specific “elo” system, for lack of a better title, is inherently brilliant. However, the execution of such a ladder is clearly the main obstacle in the way. Many people have respectfully offered their thoughts on how to best execute this kind of system, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned in this off-season, it’s that there could be dozens of answers to our obstacle. Some answers theoretically work harmoniously together, and some clash. Regardless, the demand for such an attempt was so high, it reminded me of my supererogatory attraction to gambling.
It’s probably been noted multiple times in this article, but to remind you all: these adjustments may change after Season 6. All of these adjustments that have been implemented to our competition may or may not prove to be useful to the overall growth of this system, so we hope that the community can work together with us to help find answers to Friend or Foe’s future. As always, make sure you check out the rule book. Rosters and information will be revealed in a public spreadsheet as we arrive closer to Qualifiers.
- Chris Sunga (Friend or Foe Lead Producer)
Finally, if you’ve decided that you’re ready to sign up, you can do so here!
For further questions, please contact a Friend or Foe Admin on Discord or the Head LoL Organizer, Theroclease#6563
If you’d like to volunteer to help make Friend or Foe happen, join our discord and let us know!
Good luck to all the teams!
Re: Player Council
Some community members may have heard talk of wanting to implement a player council to have an effect on these point decisions as well. For this season we will not be implementing that just yet. At this time staff does not have a system that feels comfortable to release yet. When I think of a council system, there’s two things I want to be sure of: the first being any situations that these committees can use to harm the integrity of the tournament. The second is a little less obvious, but it is very important that FoF is solely reliable for its mistakes and successes. Making the players have to do our jobs, especially in the most difficult stage of the season, is not fair to ask of you all at all. Especially if you are the ones that rely on us to be preserving the rules and competitive spirit for your teams.
I hope that this answers some of the big questions you’ve all had surrounding Mythic Season 6. A reminder that while we are asking you to have trust in us to make this season work, we will of course be open and listen to your thoughts, feelings, and concerns for this season and the future development of this project. We know this is all something you’re excited for and we’re excited to share our hard work with you on this. You can look at the full rules and updates on the FFS Rule List document. Looking forward to seeing you on the Rift, and in the post game interview, Summoners.
- Theroclease (League of Legends Head Organizer)