Champion Red’s Week 1 Mythic Power Rankings

“Hello, my name is Champion Red. I am the Bot laner, co-captain, and coach for BBZ. I’m extremely excited to be doing weekly Mythic League rankings for this season. In my personal opinion ranks 4-6 are pretty interchangeable at the moment. I also believe that the top 3 is also going to be highly contested.

Ultimately this is a Week 1 ranking, so it shouldn’t be taken all that seriously. While this is more or less how I feel about the rankings of the teams right now, it would be no surprise at all to see drastic changes to this ranking next week.”

BBZ Champion Red

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8th - RLS

This won’t come as a surprise for most people in the FFS scene, but Ruby’s Lightup Sketchers is coming in at 8th place this week. As a Heroic level team who decided to do Mythic due to scheduling conflicts, they are without a doubt this year's underdogs. I’ve heard rumors that they hope to defeat Team ACE’s, Swordblue. Before they get there though, they must take down the rest of the league. Can this “David” take on the “Goliaths” of FoF Esports?

7th - HBK

Former Potato Peeler’s Prolupul creates Team H-Block, his own team full of brand new FoF faces. While we know that he can perform, the question is can the rest of his team? With very little information on this team so far, it is pretty difficult to rank. In the coming weeks I will be looking for how this new team plays together.

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6th - SGR

Normally I think I would rank SGR Reborn higher. I remember watching StreetSmurf… well… smurf in the Mythic league last year. After leaving POG he created his own new team that leaves some questions similar to HBK. After a somewhat close game against RLS in the qualifiers, this team needs an explosive Week 1 to prove my initial ranking wrong and shoot up in the rankings.

5th - BABY

If you only showed me the teams individual rankings I would most likely say that Team Beep Boop is around the skill level of a 1st place Heroic team. However, this team is a Mythic team in a Heroic Team’s clothing, as FangOverFang bears his fangs at the rest of the league. Last year they managed to take down many opponents in the Mythic league. Their notable accomplishments are taking down Team Atlas during the Regular Season, and taking a game off of Poseidon Gaming in the Quarterfinals.

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4th - TUB

Due to the individual rankings of the players from The Ugly Barnacles and Krumpys pedigree as POG’s ADC, they take the top of the highly contested middle section of the rankings. This team is incredibly similar to SGR, but since we haven’t seen them play yet it’s difficult to appropriately judge their rank. Using rumors I’ve heard, as well as witnessing the close match between SGR and RLS, I feel like this is the correct place for them for Week 1. For now we will have to wait and see how they perform in the first few weeks.

3rd - OOD

This veteran FoF team returns to the league with a bit of a twist. After a year long wait Ooh Deer fans can finally see star-ADC “Photograph” enter the Rift. His one-trick Draven skills look to dominate the bot lane with POG’s former support, Antoons. With a fresh roster this team is looking to make a big impact on the FoF rankings.

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2nd - POG

Poseidon Gaming was so close to greatness last year, coming in second to Team ACE. This year the only returning player is their Jungler, Bobrovsky. Bringing in a trio experienced in playing with each other, former Potato Peelers Top, Mid, and Support join Bobrovsky’s fight for first. In addition they are bringing in ATL’s #1 Bot lane MVP, Crow, into the lineup. With this star studded lineup POG seems to want to do one thing, take down their nemesis, Team ACE.

1st - ACE

If RLS is the “David” of Mythic League, then Team A-Click is the Goliath. The reigning champions are back yet again looking for teams to challenge them. The standout names on their roster are last year's Mythic League MVP, Burstlimit, as well as their challenger support main, Swordblue, playing off-role as the team’s Bot laner. With their Mid laner, SoSadSam, returning as well this powerhouse trio is looking to dominate once again. This year they are coming into the tournament with a new jungler and support, but can this powerhouse champion go back to back this year with the new blood that they’ve brought to the tournament?

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